Whole-Wheat Heaven


There is a sort of kindness in whole-wheat bread, like a grip of reassurance from a good friend. It is the kind of bread to enjoy slowly and mull things over. With 50% whole-wheat flour and a touch of honey, this bread will make your taste buds rejoice. The Baker’s Percentage for this bread is as follows:

Total Flour                          1,000 g                        100%

White Flour                           500 g                          50%

Whole-wheat Flour              500 g                          50%

Toasted Wheat Germ            50 g                            5%

Levain                                    200 g                          20%

Water                                     700 g                          70%

Honey                                      30 g                           3 %

Salt                                          21 g                            2.1%

No bells and whistles for this bread. Just add everything in at the Mix (the salt after the autolyse) and continue on through the Bake. The only thing that might need adjustment is the hydration level. Humidity, grind, and temperature affect whole-wheat flour, so add more water if the dough mixes up a little stiff.

This heavenly loaf will make a believer out of any whole-wheat agnostic. It has great staying power while still retaining a light crumb. Like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, it is sure to lift your spirits.

8 responses to “Whole-Wheat Heaven

  1. I noticed that you use honey in this recipe. Is this a flavor choice or does honey perform differently than sugar in bread recipes. I ask because my parents keep bees, and they gave us some great honey!
    ~The Homesteading Hippy

    • I use honey just for the flavor, and usually only in whole-wheat breads. As far as there being a difference in sugar vs. honey, I think they are pretty interchangeable if used in small quantities.

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